
We analysed the influence of MHC class II and genes on Puumala virus (PUUV) infection in bank voles (). We considered voles sampled in five European localities or derived from a previous experiment that showed variable infection success of PUUV. The genetic variation observed in the and genes was assessed by using single-strand conformation polymorphism and pyrosequencing methods, respectively. Patterns were compared with those obtained from 13 microsatellites. We revealed significant genetic differentiation between PUUV-seronegative and -seropositive bank voles sampled in wild populations, at the gene only. The absence of genetic differentiation observed at neutral microsatellites confirmed the important role of selective pressures in shaping these patterns. Also, we found no significant associations between infection success and MHC alleles among laboratory-colonized bank voles, which is explained by a loss of genetic variability that occurred during the captivity of these voles.


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vol. , part 10, pp. 2507–2512

Sample size, number of PUUV-infected voles, sex and genetic diversity for five localities and for the S1 experimental dataset

Detailed information concerning the experimental infection datasets used in this study

Neighbour-joining phylogeny for 39 sequences of the -exon2 gene from our dataset

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